What is Vibrant Living Academy?
Vibrant Living Academy is a growing community of like minded women (no worries guys, you can benefit as well!) who want to live the most vibrant and amazing life possible! We focus on healing.

Heal the woman. Heal the family. Heal communities. Heal the world.
This inspired academy is grafted together by communities of women who mentor and learn through local classes and online resources. The academy provides a platform for individuals to further their outreach and share their purpose and passion.

In addition, we hold Vibrant Living Retreats, where women participate in interactive activities and implement tools to heal and live a vibrant life. Our retreats provide hands-on implementation while surrounded by other like-minded people, delicious healthy whole and raw foods. You will walk away with nutritional knowledge, meal plans, shopping lists, skills to help you do emotional release work on yourself or your family, make a dream board, create affirmations and a Life Movie Script, meditate, go on a nature hike, create a beautiful handmade journal, do yoga, setup systems and routines for your home, discover your purpose and passion and share your talents, gifts and insights with others. Visit the academy’s Upcoming Events and Retreats for more information!
Best of all, you’ll connect with the hearts of some beautiful individuals who will move and change your life forever.
Something magical happens when a group gets together with the intention of connecting, learning, growing and desiring to make a difference in the world. You’ll be inspired to create and live the life of your dreams, as well as assist others in their journey.

The 7 Steps to Vibrant Living class was AMAZING – a true life changer!! I loved every session. I am definitely a better person because of this class. I am much better at getting up in the morning and have a positive, productive morning routine which starts my day off right. I am watching my thoughts more and keeping the negative ones out as much as I can. I really feel like a better person because of Stacy and what I learned in her class. I have listened to the recordings of her classes multiple times and they are always the pick me up I need. I also LOVE having her book and have referenced it MANY times. Stacy is truly a lighthouse helping others find their way, becoming their best selves along the path.

Stacy, I cannot believe how powerful the tools are that you are sharing! It was about one year ago when I began actively trying to understand and employ the methods you taught us. I am not perfect at it, but my life one year later is night and day different! My coping skills are 100% better, my outlook is startlingly different. I still have down times, but they are shorter. I am also 45 pounds lighter. Thanks for opening yourself up, sharing your lovely spirit and spreading hope.