Tips for Being Grateful

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2014

Welcome to the Vibrant Living Academy blog!

We hope you’ll stop by often.  I feel a great passion and drive to help others heal from past wounds, find clarity and live joyful, purpose driven lives. November is the month of Thanksgiving and a time when we focus on gratitude.  Below are a few tips and activities to do this month.  As you do these, be prepared to have the floodgates of love and joy open in your life.  Another benefit is when our lives flow with gratitude and praise, we develop a greater immunity to paths of darkness.

Tip #1 – Before you get out of bed in the morning or fall asleep at night, think of 10 things that you are grateful for.  Make this a daily practice.  Once we seriously start praising God for our blessings, our troubles and burdens seem to lighten.

Tip #2 – When someone does something nice for you, let that person know how much you appreciate it.  A simple smile, note, phone call, text or facebook message can really brighten someone’s day.

Tip #3 – Even with every difficult trial we go through, there is a lesson to be learned and a silver lining.  Think of a challenge you’ve had recently.  Who have you become because of it?  What character trait have you developed?  Not everyone can rejoice and give thanks for their suffering, but we can give thanks in the midst of it.  Believe it or not, God has our well being in mind, and we can trust that whatever happens in life will work out for good, if we continue serving and loving Him.


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