Vibrant Living Podcast

Vibrant Living Podcast

Hosted by: Stacy Harmer

This podcast shares a pathway to healing and living a whole, healthy and vibrant life! Stacy shares the 7 Steps to Vibrant Living - Nourishing the body, heart, mind, and spirit, setting up systems and structures in...

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56. Raise Your Vibration

In this episode, we talk all about vibration.Ā  Everything is energy and has its own vibration, including us!Ā  You have a vibrational frequency that is affected by your life experiences, the thoughts you think, the...
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55. Emotional Mastery

Are you willing to feel any emotion? If you are, you open your life up to so many possibilities! Life is 50/50, and you'll feel both positive and negative emotions. When we can take 100% ownership and accountability...
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54. Some Mama Love

Sending you some Mama love!! As I pondered what to share on today's podcast, my heart was just full of love for you! I have the privilege of coaching many women. I know you. I see you. You sacrifice. You love. You...
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53. Buffering

In this episode, I share about buffering and how we use external things to change the way we feel emotionally. It's something we do to not fully experience all of our lives. It is to numb the pain you may consciously...
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52. Your Miracle Morning

Give yourself the gift to plan in the morning! The way you spend your days is the way you spend your life. Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning, searched for what all the most successful people did in their...
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51. Tiny Habits

In this episode, we talk about the 3 levels of behavior change and how your belief and IDENTITY have the most impact. I share 3 steps to create a new habit and how tiny habits create BIG RESULTS over time! Join us for...
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50. Always Do Your Best

The fourth agreement is to always do your best. That will look different from moment to moment, day to day. It will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. At any moment, simply do your best, and you...
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49. Don't Make Assumptions

The third agreement from the book The Four Agreemts is: Don't Make Assumptions. "We have a tendency to make assumptions about everything. The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are the truth. We...
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48. Don't Take Anything Personally

In this episode, I share about the 2nd Agreement - Don't Take Anything Personally, from the book The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. "Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of...
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47. Be Impeccable With Your Word

In this episode, I shareĀ from the book The Four Agreements. The first agreement is: Be Impeccable With Your Word. The words we use are a powerful force in creation. John 1:1 says - "In the beginning was the word, and...
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46. Loving What Is

Sometimes things don't go as planned. But God has a way of making everything perfect! When we can love what is, we can let go of the unrealized expectation, guilt, doubt, disappointment, and resentment that might...
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45. Resistance

"Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance." quote from The War of Art. The Hero's Journey is all throughout literature, greek mythology, movies,...
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